Welcome to the Hungarian American Cultural Center
. . . the place to learn about events happening in the community, at our club, and information about other Hungarian organizations in the area.
Enjoy your visit to our site and please visit our facility.
Tickets for the 2024 Gulyás Festival can be purchased by using the Donations section of this page (Paypal).
This was the beginning of the Hungarian Dream! That Dream was to have a place where Hungarians can gather and feel at Home with friends and strangers whom they never new before, but were thrown together because they could no longer tolerate the Tyranny and Oppression force on them in their homeland, their native land, by the Communist Oppressors !
Here they planted their roots, in a land of Freedom, where every person can speak freely, a land of opportunity, a land where everyone is created equal.
By applying themselves, and by every means possible, and with cooperation of fellow Hungarians, they built their Hungarian Dream with a lot of sweat and tears,
and this building is still here after 26 years.
TODAY let's support it faithfully, let's keep it alive, and let's make it grow!
This is your Hungarian Home. This is where your friends are! THIS is the place where we can keep alive our Hungarian Culture!
Be proud that you are of Hungarian descent!
Support your Cultural Center, keep it alive!